What Makes a Good Apology at Work? With Example

Good Apology at Work

Good Apology at Work is something you own it and don’t try to hide it or blame anyone else. There are some universal rules to apologies that everyone should follow at work.

What Makes a Good Apology at Work?

From your heart, words are ideal for creating an apology. However, there are some tips to keep in mind when you apologize at work. These are important and related to the nature of the apology.

Keep It Short and to The Point

Multiple experts suggest keeping your apologies quick and painless. Long ramblings can make the apology at work uncomfortable and result in the actual apology getting lost in the middle of a long discussion. Don’t dwell on what happened, and don’t try to explain your situation. Say sorry and move into lessons and solutions. Afterward, move on. There’s no need to linger on what happened.

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Apologize as Soon as Possible

Don’t wait to apologize. It’s important to rectify the situation immediately so everyone can move on. The more time you take to give an apology at work, the more meaningless it becomes. To illustrate, people might talk about your mistake and how you have not apologized, during their chats at the water cooler! Consequently harming your reputation and prospects.

Apologize as Soon as Possible

It’s OK If It’s Awkward

Apologies are awkward, especially when they’re in person. Embrace the awkwardness and weirdness of the situation. Remind yourself that apologizing properly is an exercise in good character before anything else. Sometimes an apology opens doors whether at work or elsewhere. When you apologize, don’t worry about feeling awkward or vulnerable. It comes with the territory.

Try to Apologize in Person

While email apologies are sometimes appropriate, you should try to apologize in person if you made a big mistake. While it may be awkward or difficult, your colleagues will respect you for taking the time to apologize directly. You also may leave with a better resolution – it’s often easier to connect on these issues in person than over email. Everyone knows how empty a “no problem” email response can be.

Example of A Good Apology at Work

Here’s a basic example of a good apology that follows these four steps:

“Hi, Jane. I want to apologize for the mistake in this month’s budget. I didn’t communicate properly with the team, which is why the numbers don’t match up. Now, I know to include Steve and Kumar in all my future budget meetings, because they have vital input. I’ve adjusted the numbers and can resubmit this month’s budget now if you feel that’s an appropriate course of action. Thank you for working with me on this.”

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