7 Things to Do for Preventing COVID-19 Disease

7 Things to Do for Preventing COVID-19 Disease

COVID-19 disease is spreading around the world at a fast pace. Extensive research is being conducted by various countries to contain this spread. In this situation, every one of us should take all the measures possible to avoid an infection.

Doing the following things regularly will help you keep the COVID-19 disease at bay,

Maintain Hygiene

The very first thing which the experts are emphasizing upon is that Coronavirus can be killed with soap and water. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds as frequently as required. For example, before meals, after visiting the washroom, after touching any surface that you feel might be contaminated, etc. Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

Read More : How to Disinfect Yourself, Phone & Gadgets?

Avoid Going Out

One cannot know who is infected from the Coronavirus, thus it is best to stay at home and avoid the transmission. Go out only when necessary. It is found that one person infected by COVID-19 can transmit it to multiple others. Imagine this as an uncontrolled chain reaction. Only you can break the chain by staying at home.

Wear a Mask and Practice Social Distancing

Wear a Mask! It helps you and others around you. It is advised that a distance of at least 3 to 6 feet should be maintained between yourself and other people. This should be thoroughly practiced in case you are required to step out of the house. Remember to avoid getting in the close proximity of a stranger.

Buy Essentials to Last for 14 Days or More

You should buy essential items like groceries that will last for a 14 Days to avoid going out in public multiple times. Make a list of items according to the size of your family and move around quickly. Return as soon as possible. Also don’t horde on the essentials like toilet paper, etc. Consider the needs of others as well before you stock.

Eat a Healthy Diet

You may start eating unhealthy things when you are confined to your homes. This could be a result of boredom. Instead, cook delicious and healthy recipes with the help of the internet. You should conscientiously include vitamins, proteins, and healthy carbohydrates in your diet. Additionally, you can boost your immunity with the help of Ayurveda.

Seek Medical Help if Symptoms Occur

The symptoms of COVID-19 are runny nose, sore throat, fever, and dry cough, tiredness or weakness. If you or a family member is suffering from these symptoms for more than a day, it will be wise to get them checked from a certified medical professional.

Take Good Care of Others as Well

The immunity of a person weakens after a certain age. Thus, it is important to take care of the elders in the family. Also, the children can be quite playful and may forget to wash their hands often. Urge them both to regularly wash their hands, help them eat healthy food, include a lot of citrus fruits in their diet, and request them to stay indoors.

Do You Have Any Ideas To Do for Preventing COVID-19 Disease Infection? Share and Comment them on Aicrow.

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