Although some couples have a “love at first sight” tale, most couples who meet in the real world get to know each other as friends (or at least acquaintances) first, before realizing they fancy each other and embarking on a romance.
As you get older, opportunities to meet people organically dry up. But in this scenario, you’re forced to evaluate whether you like someone or not after having known them for about two hours or so. You don’t want to waste time or lead someone on when it’s not going anywhere. Although there are couples who were friends for few years before they started dating, each date costs time, money and lots of energy. So, here we will help you find if you’re interested in a second date.
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Ditch The Second Date If
- You don’t find him/ her physically attractive. Not saying they have to be a supermodel, or even good looking, but there has to be some element of physical attraction. For example: Your ex wasn’t good looking but they had a physical appeal to you; You looked good together, so the visual chemistry was there. However, you’ve been on some dates where the date wasn’t necessarily ugly, yet on a biological level you just weren’t physically attracted to them.
- He/she isn’t your type personality-wise. You can allow for a few pauses in the conversation as you don’t have any shared memories yet. But if making conversation is like getting blood out of a stone,it’s best just to leave it. Likewise, if you’re looking for someone to party with and their idea of going crazy is having a glass of wine with dinner.
- He/she is just plain weird. We’ve all met one or two of those.
- Any major red flags. Abusive to the serving staff, kids they never see, ex has a restraining order against them, etc.
Do Go On a Second Date If
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- You think they could be your type, but you’re not 100% sold on the chemistry: These things can take time.
- You fancy them.
- If he/she is Kind and good-natured.
- Your date meets at least half of your criteria.
How do you Find If You’re Interested in A Second Date? Share and Comment them on Aicrow.