The 5 Things Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

The 5 Things Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

Parent of all ages teach their kids & share the values that their own parents instilled in them that they treasure most, and some dads and moms even shared the things that they hope to pass on to the next generation.

There are five things that were consistently mentioned that parents generally seem to value most once they are adults and have children of their own. So, if you’re wondering what your daughter or son! might appreciate most when they grow up, read on!


Confidence is a life-long journey of ups and downs for almost everyone, but it doesn’t hurt when you have your parents encouraging you to be proud of who you are throughout your childhood and adolescence (and even adulthood!). Plus, it’s not an easy feat to teach young girls and boys confidence in today’s world.

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Confidence has been pivotal for me as a kid and as growing up, and it has stuck with me! It is now something that I teach my kids at an early age, so it sticks with them too!

Perseverance and Determination in Children

Perseverance and Determination

The main takeaway kids should know from a parent should be to persevere, work hard, always bet on themselves and never give up on their dreams. My parents always taught me to preserve and never give up. They taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to, which has given me so much confidence to accomplish my goals. I hope to take these lessons and pass them on as I become a parent to our little one.

Love and Compassion

Love has no boundaries. Parents love us unconditionally, without judgement or thought. I am so happy to have gained this trait from my mom. It is the number one thing I can’t wait to share with my family & future children.

Its always beautiful to see kids treat others with compassion, especially those less fortunate than they are. We must also teach kids to be himself/herself and to love them, to love others how they deserve to be loved and to not accept anything less than the love that they deserve.

Love and Compassion


Self love is the number one thing we believe that we need to instill in all children at a young age and nurture as we grow. And those brought up with moms and dads who taught them just this are the first ones to scream it from the rooftops. Self-love should be taught at an early age. Kids should always felt beautiful inside and out.

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My parents where never focused on vanity or appearances, which gave me a chance to be myself endlessly. I never felt pressure to be or look a certain way and that made me learn how to feel comfortable in my own skin. My parents always taught me to love my body and curves no matter what other people would say. Confidence and kindness will radiate beauty from the inside out.

Strength and Independence

We believe that every kid should aim to be a strong and independent, and most parents would agree. My mom and dad has always been an example to me. Shown me how to be fiercely independent, strong and opinionated and to trust my gut in all things. What they taught me has shaped me into being the good human being that I am today. And I couldn’t be prouder to be who I am and to have them as my BFF.

Do you know any other things every parent should teach their kids? Share and Comment them on Aicrow.

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